Thursday, May 19, 2011


So being as tomorrow is Thuli's last day before she goes on maternity leave and as I've also been mentioning this for the entire eight months I've been here, I thought it was high time I introduced my partner in crime, Thuli Biyela, or god knows what last name she is going by this week (long story).  Thuli is the coordinator of all of our nurses here at Mpilonhle and is the person with whom I work most closely.  I would also say she is the closest friend I have made here.  We are definitely similar creatures, which means that we totally get each other, often when no one else does, but we also tend to bump heads.  They call us sisters here in the office based on our laughing fits and bickering.  But we both agree that we will miss each other very much, though we will always remember what we have taught each other.  And so, without further ado, the top ten things Thuli Biyela has taught me:

10. The best remedy for the hiccups: a piece of tissue on your forehead.
       -10a. You can make a solid tissue substitute by softening a paper towel by rubbing it together - good for blowing your nose.
9. A meal is not a meal without meat.
8. You should always look sharp.  A wrinkle or a stain is never acceptable.  And if you think you can hide it, Thuli will find it.
7. Don't interrupt a Zulu woman.
6. Plan.  This is Africa.  This is Mtuba.  You never know if there will be power.  You never know if there will be water.
5. NEVER point at people!  Or Thuli will slap you.
4. Chicken Licken' hot wings should be its own food group.
3. An agenda is an invaluable component of any meeting.
2. Nothing can be achieved when you are hungry.  Or disorganized.
1. Always do/be with what/who makes you happy, makes you feel good about yourself.  It's not about what other people think.
The beautiful lady herself at one of our peer counsellor meetings.  I apologize for it not being more flattering.  She doesn't love to have her picture taken, so I had to take a quick secret shot.

1 comment:

  1. Thuli is my new most quotable heroine! As you know, Jess, I have a portfolio of inspirational quotes and I now have Thuli's top ten pieces of advice to use for inspiration and motivation. Thank you for sharing your friend:) mom
