Thursday, January 27, 2011


It's Tim's birthday today, so I'm doing a top ten reasons why my roommate Tim Grose is awesome:

10. We fought long and hard together to get the CD player in the purple beast to work.  It was a combination of faith, determination, and commitment.  And the first CD he played?  Wait for it...  One of the only CDs worth the struggle.  Led Zeppelin.  Fuck yeah.
        10a. When the CD player spits the CD out yet one more time, he belts out "Time after time" from the radio with the best of them, without a hint of disappointment or frustration about the loss of the Zeppelin.  Holler.
9. We both have accepted that we are obviously cast members in some ridiculous candid camera reality TV show, perhaps titled "TIA, This is Africa".
8. He eats everything I put in front of him and says he likes it.  Good man.
7. "Oh man, that one's nice...  floral prints... they just get me everytime..."
6. He calls himself Timmy when he is talking to himself.  Example:  During tennis match with local minister - "Damn it Timmy!  Get it together!",  "What the fuck Timmy?!  Jesus..."  Priceless.
5.  He loves to dance
        5a. He is not afraid to dance in his underwear.  With other men.  Also in their underwear.
        5b. He loves Phil Collins.
4. He's an awesome mother fucking lifeguard.  Dedicated to the cause.
3. He loves it when I burp :)
2. AWA = Africa Wins Again v. AFY = America, Fuck Yeah
1. "You have never lived..."

Happy birthday Timmy boy (aka Timbo Slice)!

It should also be noted that we have a new roommate, who is also awesome, but Tim will always be OG.  Don't worry, she will be introduced in the blog soon enough.

Next week I will continue with the holiday chronicles...

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