Friday, September 17, 2010

The ladies...

New roomie's here, finally got water back (shower was sooooo good!) and early morning tomorrow, so think I'm just gonna make this quick.  Can't believe this will round out my first week of posts!

I want to introduce you to two of the most important characters in my life here.  I wanted their pictures to be some of the first in this blog, but the opportunity hadn't presented itself until the other morning.

This is Sibongele on the left and Nhlanhla (pronounced "Nshlanshla") on the right.  They are the ladies who work at the farm and always bring a smile to my face.  I apologize for the quality of the picture of Sibongele, but she refused to smile for the picture even though she is smiling all the time, so I had to take an action shot, catching her in the act, hence the blurriness.  They are awesome for many reasons:
1. They clean my house
2. They do my laundry
3. They do both of the above EVERYDAY, even when I tell them to stop
4. They let me steal stuff from the pantry of the big house
5. They are my Zulu tutors
6. They laugh at my jokes
7. They are ALWAYS smiling
8. They bring me water when there is none
9. They remind me to feed the dog
10. They are always watching out for me, making sure I'm safe
11. They are always excited to see me
So more or less they are like my moms, minus the whole teaching me Zulu part, unless you want to think about this as a rebirth thing and they are teaching me my new tongue.  Whoa, see, I need to get to bed stat.  Not enough sleep and too much wine. 

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